There were three men around the fire, with the smell of coffee and of bacon frying. It was a two-bit camp in mighty rough country, with three saddle-broncs and a packhorse standing under a lightning-struck cottonwood. "Howdy," I said. "You boys receivin' visitors, or is this a closed meetin'?" They were all looking me over, but one said, "You're here, mister. Light and set."
From "The Man From the Broken Hills" by Louis L'Amour

Friday, October 23, 2009

Back to the Blog!

Thanks to the multitude of you (Danny, Tricia, and Kelly) who have asked me to blog more frequently. I appreciate that you check in periodically, and I know how disappointing it is to visit a site that never gets updated.

[I had to type 'disappointing' six times above before I got it right. Spell checkers, although handy, sure do make a guy feel dumb.]

I really haven't spent a lot of time writing or reading blogs the last few months. I used to do these things on my lunch, but even that time slot seems to have been lost due to changes in my job. Like everyone else, it just seems that I am busier and my days go faster than ever. That's my excuse, and I'm sticking to it.

I plan to get back to blogging because I really enjoy writing when I take the time to do it. Please keep checking in periodically. I will have a new web host soon and will commit to updating that new site weekly. I will email the new address when it's up and running.
Thanks again!

[PS Blogging still feels very narcissistic to me. Just counting the 'I's above makes me blush. So how are YOU?]

[PPS Wow. I thought I had trouble with 'disappointing'. Had to look up narcissistic.]

Daily Devotion Time

Maybe like me, you have several good daily devotion books on your shelf somewhere. Or perhaps your church, like mine, puts out copies of "Daily Bread". We all know we need devotion and study time, but perhaps we don't make the time like we should.
There's a great web resource called Devotional Christian that has online resources for many common daily devotions, including Daily Bread, and writings by Oswald Chambers, Billy Graham, and Charles Spurgeon. With this resource, you can do a brief devotion reading at work on your lunch hour. You can add this webpage to your RSS feeder (I use Google Reader), or have the material emailed directly to you. Couple this with a good online bible resource, like Bible Gateway, and your all set with no excuses.

The web address is hyperlinked above, but here is the full link: