Maybe that's too broad of a statement. I'll rephrase.
College students are ruining college athletics for me.
They are just plain obnoxious. Even the students at my Alma Mater -- especially the students at my Alma Mater.
In fact, I'm sure that I have attended my last home game at OSU. The last game that I attended left me embarrassed to be OSU Alumni. It wasn't the performance of the team on the field that made me feel that way -- it was the student body and the fans in the stands. I hadn't attended a game in a few years before I went to this game. I didn't realize it was standard practice to chant profanities in unison at the opposing team and officiating staff. Silly me.
I was just glad that I didn't have my kids with me that day.
How sad is that? The fact that I don't want to take my sons to a football game at my own university? I guess I'm just not ready to explain the "f-word" to my six year old yet (yes, believe it or not, I have managed to insulate him from that word thus far in his life).
I watched some of the Rutgers - Navy game this past weekend. It wasn't enough for the Rutgers fans that their team handily beat the smaller Navy squad. No, they had to be jerks about it too. There is an excellent article regarding this from the New Jersey paper "The Star Ledger". Here's the link:
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