There were three men around the fire, with the smell of coffee and of bacon frying. It was a two-bit camp in mighty rough country, with three saddle-broncs and a packhorse standing under a lightning-struck cottonwood. "Howdy," I said. "You boys receivin' visitors, or is this a closed meetin'?" They were all looking me over, but one said, "You're here, mister. Light and set."
From "The Man From the Broken Hills" by Louis L'Amour

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Would Narcissus Twitter?

I'm not a good blogger. I used to think I was an OK writer, but I soon learned that my creative pool was pretty shallow. I discovered this through trying to maintain this blog, and keep it updated.

I guess I also feel that blogging can be a bit narcissistic. You remember Narcissus? He's the guy in Greek mythology who fell in love with his own reflection. Wikipedia (who gets credit for the picture of Narcissus, isn't he handsome?) defines narcissism as the "trait of excessive self-love, based on self-image or ego".

It feels a bit egotistical for me to assume I have anything meaningful to say that I want the whole world to have access to. "HEY EVERYBODY, LOOK AT ME!! LISTEN TO ME!! RESPECT MY OPINION!!!".

Now they even have this 'Twitter' thing, right? So you can update the world minute by minute on what you're doing.

"I'm at my favorite table at Starbucks".

"Seinfeld reruns still make me laugh".

Where does it end?

"I'm in the bathroom. Bad burrito."

Narcissus would have loved reading his own Twitter.

On the other hand, I love reading blogs. I use an RSS feeder so I can keep up with all my favorites throughout the week.

Maybe I'm just jealous because nobody reads my blog except for my wife. Maybe that's not so bad. After all, her opinion matters more to me than anyone else's.

So, Michelle, this blog's for you. Women always say that we don't communicate enough anyway right? So visit often babe, and always leave a comment. You can even start your own blog -- I'll read it faithfully.

Anyway, I gotta go. I'm off to Starbucks for a latte. I'll Twitter you when I get there.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Starbucks would hit the spot! However, I still need to spend an hour in front of my mirror getting ready to go out! Even tho' my mornings are full of getting breakfast ready, dishes, laundry, and making beds, and finding the school books, then finding the students, I still love to dress up for the day and look good... Yes, I have an ego, too. I'd like to "shout-out" and tell the world..."hey, I'm off to a great start today: laundry, dishes, breakfast, make'up on, dressed. beds made, and not even 9am. Ya'HOO!! (yes, i am a structured person on occation. sometimes i just choose to have a little more fun that that.!)or hey, we made planets out of play-dough today and got nothing else accomplished...except my kids think i'm the greatest!!We laughed together all day long! " I, too, feel like I just need to know somewhere out there, there is someone who relates to my struggles and who will just listen to the crazy thoughts I have. Or says, "you can't do everything!.. You are allowed to work on the computer and read blogs, I know the kids are running around and not getting anything done or are interupting you while you are trying to put your thoughts down. It's OK." The messes and schoolwork will still be there later when ...well, it's time to go to bed. " AAHHHH , I just cleaned up the floor..." Did you feed the dog yet? I better write this all down!