Today is my wife Michelle's birthday. She's the good looking one in the picture above. I don't think she'd mind my telling you that she is 38 today. I don't mind saying that she's 38 because I'm proud of every one of those years and they way that they have shaped her. I don't mean her physical shape, which by the way is excellent - she is healthy and vibrant, and I think, the most beautiful of all women. But I'm most proud of the person that she is and of the decisions that she has made (particularly on whom to marry).
Michelle is by degree, a Pharmacist, but her current career choice is "Mom". On a daily basis, she puts her family first in all things. She is an excellent teacher and has charge of the education of the two firecrackers pictured above. She structures her daily schedule around them and for them -- and they do stay busy. Some of the activities that she engages them in are a bit unusual. As an example, in the last two weeks, they spent one afternoon volunteering to clean a local shelter, one morning ringing the bell for the Salvation Army, and one half day helping Samaritan's Purse pack Christmas boxes into a semi truck. These things aren't in the typical grade school curriculum but that is just one of the reasons that we home school. Academically, the kids are brilliant, of course, and it's all due to Michelle's perseverance in their instruction. It's a thankless job often, and not glamorous by any means. She never hesitates, however, in telling people what she does when they ask "What do you do?". "I'm a stay at home mom", she proudly replies.
Amazingly, Michelle manages to hear the words "Hey, Mom?" about 400 times per day without popping a cap in someone. It's adds up, I know -- the stress. I know that she needs time off sometimes and occasionally she'll even ask for it - just an evening away from the kids. I am most humbled when she says she wants to spend that time with me.
My wife is the most giving and kind person I've ever encountered. She continues to teach the boys and me what those qualities mean, and she reminds us when we fail to exhibit those same qualities. Whenever I do something right in the area of kindness and charity, it's because Michelle has prodded me to do it. Whenever I walk across a room and introduce myself to "the new guy", it's usually because she elbowed me into it. I am shy and selfish by nature and I owe such a debt to this woman for helping me to be a better person.
There's the cliche' that behind every good man there is a better woman -- well it's true. I am by no means calling myself 'good', but my wife make me better, and I am continually flabbergasted by this fact: I am a giant in her eyes. I cannot imagine what I would be like without the support and love of this woman. She has left an indelible print on my life and in my person that shapes my every thought and decision.
I'm not a gracious person by nature. That's not an excuse -- I need to work on it. But, it is the truth. I continually overlook that the house is neat or that dinner is ready when I come home. I take for granted that my wife is not dressed in sweats at the end of the day and that she always has her hair fixed and her makeup on, looking pretty. I forget to thank her for ironing, or setting something out that I need. I neglect to notice the details that she adds to enhance our home decor. I often nitpick at some silly detail that I notice and overlook all those other things, and then I end up hurting her feelings. She forgives me though. Amazing woman.
I don't expect anybody (my 3 faithful readers) but Michelle to read all the way to the end of this sappy post. That's ok. Today is her day, and this is for her. She may never win "Wife of the Year" or "Mom of the Year" in this world, but Michelle is the hands-down winner in my book.
Thank you God for placing this person in my life and giving her to me as my wife. Thank you for Michelle.
Michelle, I love you. Happy Birthday.
1 comment:
Happy Birthday to Michelle!
That young man to the left sure reminds me of a boy that I used to hide seceret messages for and try to start fires with magnifying glasses with and crawl through irrigation ditches, and walk halfway home backwards so that we wouldn't be followed....
Who is the dad? I don't recognize him!
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