There were three men around the fire, with the smell of coffee and of bacon frying. It was a two-bit camp in mighty rough country, with three saddle-broncs and a packhorse standing under a lightning-struck cottonwood. "Howdy," I said. "You boys receivin' visitors, or is this a closed meetin'?" They were all looking me over, but one said, "You're here, mister. Light and set."
From "The Man From the Broken Hills" by Louis L'Amour

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

"A Nation of Idol Contestants"

That title is not mine. I stole it from Tom Neven. Below is a link to his excellent post over at

In it he summarizes, "We're in danger of becoming a nation of Idol contestants, wanting a quick ride to the good life without the hard work and patience to actually earn it."

Then this zinger about the President: "What else could explain the election of a callow, inexperienced president who ran as a messiah but has been proved in the past few weeks to have feet of clay—"


Tom then closes with: "Let's see American Idol for what it is: ephemeral fizz that within weeks dissipates into the essential nothingness that it is."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"In danger of becoming?” - danger realized, we have long become. Bethany and I decided to drop Idol from our DVR lineup last night. I don't think I'll miss it that much.